Welcome to PyroLife: Your Sanctuary for Easing Shoulder Pain

Understanding Your Struggles and Offering Tailored Relief

Alleviating Discomfort, Restoring Function, and Fostering Well-being for Shoulder Pain

At PyroLife Healing Center, we recognize the agony and limitations that accompany shoulder pain, understanding its profound impact on your daily activities. Under the guidance of Dr. Rami Layous, our compassionate team of chiropractic experts is devoted to providing holistic solutions that not only alleviate symptoms but also target the root causes of your suffering. Residents in and around Durham, OR, have found solace in our approach, discovering avenues to regain shoulder function while reducing or eliminating pain.

Our Holistic Approach to Alleviating Shoulder Pain

Thorough Evaluation: Commence your journey to relief with a thorough evaluation. Dr. Layous employs a holistic methodology, taking into account your lifestyle, posture, and medical background to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your individual requirements.

Chiropractic Expertise: Dr. Layous specializes in advanced chiropractic techniques, concentrating on correcting spinal and joint misalignments and tension. This not only alleviates shoulder pain but also enhances overall mobility.

Rehabilitative Exercises: Empower your recovery with personalized exercises aimed at strengthening shoulder muscles, improving flexibility, and preventing future injuries.

Nutritional Guidance: Gain understanding into how diet influences inflammation and pain. Our nutritional advice complements your healing journey, offering you informed choices to nourish your body and alleviate discomfort.

Why Choose PyroLife Healing Center?

Expert Guidance: Dr. Rami Layous brings years of expertise combined with genuine dedication to holistic healing. Personalized Approach: We are committed to delivering individualized care, tailoring each treatment to meet your specific needs. Community Confidence: Serving the Durham, OR community, we've assisted numerous individuals in reclaiming mobility and living pain-free. Comprehensive Services: From chiropractic adjustments to lifestyle recommendations, we provide a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Embark on Your Journey to a Pain-Free Life

Seize control of your life and bid farewell to shoulder pain. Discover relief and rejuvenation at PyroLife Healing Center, where individuals near Durham, OR, can take advantage of our specialized treatments and services. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Rami Layous today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.

Durham to Tigard

Local Chiropractor and Wellness Center

Our Services

Portland Members appreciate our personalized, custom, caring approach

Spine Alignment and Nervous System Optimization

Training Zone

Relaxation Lounge

Educational Workshops

Nutritional & Supplement Guidance


Lifestyle Coaching

Massage Chairs

Wellness Members

Chiropractic Treatment

Initial Consultation & Exam